The Tata group has a three-pronged strategy to encourage and enhance innovation across business sectors and companies. The three key drivers are better communication and recognition of innovative ideas and efforts, facilities and initiatives that enable learning from other companies, and support for collaborative research and partnerships with academia.
Group-wide Innovation Forum
The group has a vibrant network that connects Tata companies all over the world, stimulating innovative thinking and fostering collaboration and research. The forum organises a number of events and workshops and facilitates interaction between Tata managers, innovation experts and academicians.
We regularly invite academics and other experts in the field to conduct workshops and seminars which introduce new innovative concepts and tools and stimulate innovative thinking among Tata managers. The experts include Professor Clayton Christensen of Harvard Business School, best known for his theory of disruptive innovation; the organizational theorist Prof Henry Chesbrough of the University of California, Berkeley; the futurist Dr James Canton of the Institute of Global Futures; Prof Julian Birkinshaw of the London Business School; the author of "The Big Shift", Langdon Morris
There are several platforms for collaboration on technology and innovation both within the Tata ecosystem and with external organisations such as DuPont.
Tata group companies invest in building outstanding research facilities and forging partnerships with academic and research organisations in order to encourage creative thinking and find innovative solutions that improve quality of life. Some of these facilities are profiled below.

Tata Chemicals Innovation Centre

Tata Steel Europe Research, Development & Technology