Aug 2021 | 652 words | 2-min read
Live your beliefs and you can turn the world around,” famously wrote the American philosopher and writer, Henry David Thoreau. The impetus for each stride of progress made throughout human history has come from an invisible force of collective belief behind it.
Underscoring this foundation of belief and asserting its present leadership position in the market, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) embarked on a decade of transformation-led growth, carrying out an extensive brand positioning exercise that involved the participation of more than hundred customers and several hundred TCS associates (70% of the participants were millennials). In March 2021, TCS launched its new and most audacious brand statement thus far — ‘Building on Belief’.
Our core values and purpose
Every business is born out of belief. The belief that you can make an impact, that you have an idea that matters.
At TCS, we go beyond helping businesses transform through technology.
We help them make a meaningful difference, translating their aspiration into reality.
Building on our customers’ ambition and optimism to transform their businesses for the better so that their contribution is, in turn, felt by their customers and the communities they serve.
At TCS, we instill hope into business and trust into the enterprise.
Brand vision
The new brand vision encapsulates the active and collaborative role TCS plays in partnering with customers over the long term, leveraging its contextual knowledge, investing in research and innovation, and providing technology expertise to help customers grow and achieve their purpose-led transformation goals. It also reflects TCS’ belief that along with its customers, it can harness collective knowledge to innovate in ways that result in better futures for individuals, communities and the planet.
While ‘Experience Certainty’ was the bedrock on which TCS built its formidable reputation as a trusted partner that could skillfully execute projects with its delivery and sales capabilities, ‘Building on Belief’ is an evolution of the ‘Experience Certainty’ promise, which builds on this very foundation with the addition of purpose, knowledge, confidence, and growth and transformation. Furthermore, to highlight its key strengths and differentiators and communicate them unambiguously, TCS has defined its brand promises — In it for good, Bring everything, Know-how and Master the journey.

Signalling the need for a fundamental shift in mindset from that of capability to one of aspiration, Rajesh Gopinathan, CEO & MD, TCS, said: “Every innovation and every transformational journey begins with the belief that it will make the world better. We are partnering with our customers in realising that belief as well as their purpose. It is who we are as an organisation and reflects our bold ambition as we embark on our next decade of growth.”
Addressing TCSers worldwide in a town hall held on March 31, Mr Gopinathan outlined that as the organisation set out on the next leg of its journey, the need of the hour was for TCS to balance its value proposition from cost and optimisation, its focus thus far, to more balanced growth and transformation plus cost and optimisation one.
Foundation of belief
Powerful and complex, every transformation programme is built on the foundation of belief. It takes the shape of different layers from world beliefs that have an impact on the world at large to collective and shared beliefs integral to TCS and its formidable culture of innovation and collective knowledge. This is demonstrated through tangible solutions for our customers to even individual beliefs that prove that no belief is too big or small.

With this new brand articulation and purpose statement that reflects the truly vibrant culture, strengths and aspirations of its 485,000+ workforce, TCS is perfectly poised to engage with its customers as a committed partner and leverage the power of its contextual knowledge to fuel the next phase of growth and transformation. For, it all starts with a belief.
Author Rajashree R is the chief marketing officer of TCS.